Porting Old Code…

At work, I just finished getting our in-house libraries to cross-compile to Scala 2.13 and 3.3. Of course, at some point I encountered a macro, and since the macro system got a complete overhaul in Scala 3, I needed to rewrite that.

I’ve had almost no contact with Scala 2 or 3 macros before, so I wasn’t quite looking forward to the task. Co-Pilot produced some good looking code, which had only one compilation error. However, after trying to get it to work for a few hours, I realized, that the code was rubbish. (See, AI won’t come for our jobs just yet ;) )

The Task


This particular macro is intended to generate test cases for translation keys. You define an object with a bunch of translation keys of type TranslationKeyN[M, I1..IN], where N is the arity of the key (how many interpolation parameters it has), M is a marker trait and I1..IN the types of the interpolation values. This is to make sure, that each key has a translation with the appropriate number of parameters.


Alright, so we have a test class with an overloaded method, one for each arity. Our users call the macro with some container object C, which contains the keys for some marker trait (i.e., the keys that belong grouped together, e.g., for some email).

We need to:

  • Enumerate the members of C
  • Filter the public value definitions (vals)
  • Filter the ones of the right type (TranslationKeyN)
  • Generate an expression calling the right overload

The details of the implementation look a bit complex, but I found it an interesting example for a macro, because we deal with reflection (enumerating members), calling methods on instances, overloaded methods even, type arguments and even contextual abstractions (implicits/using/given).

A First Try

This article is not going to be an in-depth introduction to Scala 3 macros. But here are some helpful resources:

Alright, so here is an outline of our TranslationTest class:

class TranslationsTest[A]:
  def testTranslationKey(key: TranslationKey0[A]): Unit =

  def testTranslationKey[I1: Arbitrary](key: TranslationKey1[A, I1]): Unit =

  // Provide more overloads...

  inline def testAllTranslationKeys[C](container: C): Unit =
    ${ macroImpl[A, C]('this, 'container) }

The method testKeyInternal will use the translation bundles to generate a table driven test. But in my example, it just does some println-ing. Using the random function, we generate some random input for the interpolation arguments, i.e., for a key “Welcome ” of type TranslationKey1[User, String], we need an Arbitrary[String] instance to generate some random value. This comes from scalacheck.

In the original code, TranslationsTest serves as a base-class for tests and a call to the inline method will generate the test cases there.

The method is the entry point to the macro and contains a splice with the call to the macro. We are passing quoted references to this and the container object with the keys. (extra credit: you don’t need to pass this, because you can get a reference to the owner of a splice. In my case, it wasn’t necessary, because this is library internal code and the user facing code would be the same.)

Let’s give the actual macro a try now. The implementation has to be in a different compilation unit - in my example I put it into Macro.scala:

import scala.quoted.*

def macroImpl[T, C](
    testsExpr: Expr[TranslationsTest[T]],
    container: Expr[C]
)(using quotes: Quotes, tTpe: Type[T], cTpe: Type[C]): Expr[Unit] =
  import quotes.reflect.*

  val tkTypes = List(
    TypeRepr.of[TranslationKey1[T, _]],
    TypeRepr.of[TranslationKey2[T, _, _]],
    TypeRepr.of[TranslationKey3[T, _, _, _]],
    TypeRepr.of[TranslationKey4[T, _, _, _, _]]

  def isTranslationsKey(t: TypeRepr): Boolean =
    tkTypes.exists(t <:< _)

  val containerType: TypeRepr = TypeRepr.of[C]
  val containerTerm: Term = container.asTerm

Let’s have a look at the start of the function. We have our type arguments for the maker type T and the container type C. The first parameter is our expression containing this and the second one our container object. We need to use Quotes because this is a macro and we need instances of Type[A] for any type A we want to reference in our quote. The way I understand this, this is due to the JVM using type erasure for generics and if we want to actually do something with the type, it needs to be reified.

Alright, so the rest is mostly machinery to check that a member value has the type we are looking for. Then we get a type representation of C, which we can use for reflection and a term of the container, so we can use that to access the actual members of it.

Moving on:

val calls = containerType.typeSymbol.fieldMembers.map { symbol =>
  // Val definition is `val name: tpt = _rhs`
  case ValDef(name, tpt, _) if isTranslationsKey(tpt.tpe) => {
    val field: Term = Select(containerTerm, symbol) // container.`name`

  case _ => None

We just get the value definitions that match and access the value on the actual container, passing it to the function we want to call in quoted code. Easy.

The Actual Solution

Unfortunately, this doesn’t work…

I was hoping it would just figure out the correct overload, but the expression we get from the term field is just an Expr[Any]. I tried a few things to get this to work, but then I gave up and just constructed the AST manually, applying the type arguments, arguments and resolving the givens (implicits):

  // Map over all member fields of container type,
  // searching for all translation keys.
  val calls = containerType.typeSymbol.fieldMembers.map { symbol =>
    symbol.tree match
      // Val definition is `val name: tpt = _`
      case ValDef(name, tpt, _) if isTranslationsKey(tpt.tpe) => {
        val field: Term = Select(containerTerm, symbol) // container.`name`
        val interpolationTArgs = tpt.tpe.typeArgs.tail // I1, I2, I3, ...

        // Resolve the needed `testTranslationKey` overload
        val callOverload = Select.overloaded(

        // Resolve givens/implicit for Arbitrary value generation
        val arbitraryTpe =
        val implicits = interpolationTArgs.map { t =>
          Implicits.search(arbitraryTpe.appliedTo(t)) match
            case success: ImplicitSearchSuccess =>
            case failure =>
              report.errorAndAbort(s"Could not find implicit: $failure")
        val res =
          if (implicits.nonEmpty) Apply(callOverload, implicits)
          else callOverload

      case _ => None

We need the final conditional, because at arity 0 (TranslationKey0) we don’t have any implicits to apply.

Finally, we return a code block with all the calls:

// Block expression with all calls
Expr.block(calls, '{ () })

You can find the whole code in this GitHub repository.


Scala 3 macros are very powerful, but it takes some time getting used to thinking in this “meta” way. Furthermore, there aren’t a ton of resources online about this topic. Maybe this article can help someone trying to solve a similar problem.

If you have any suggestions on how to improve this macro, or generals suggestions, as well as questions, just contact me via Twitter or the GitHub discussion for this post.